Create your first quiz

For your first quiz, do not get distracted by the buttons and menus. Just enter your text. Press “Add Question” to add a new question.


  • The stem
    Enter the text of the stem in the green background cell.
  • Options for the answer, the distractors
    In the lines below, column E, replace the default A, B, C, D text by the various options for the correct answer to the question.
  • The correct answer(s)
    In front of the correct options, column “D”, enter the letter “X” to Indicate the correct answer(s).
  • Feedback or take away message for the learner (optional)
    Enter in column G the text that will be shown to the learner when the correct answer is chosen. In general, this is the takeaway message you want to address for the question. Learners highly appreciate this feedback.
  • Enter the slide # (optional)
    Enter the number(s) of the pages where answers can be found on your training. This information is only for you and your contact training consultant.
  • Insert media (optional)
    You can illustrate your question with an image or a video. Click on the button “Modify Media” to provide the local path where is located your media file. That is all.
  • Insert Learning objectives
    Enter the Learning Objective of the question in column M. Ignore if no option appears for the cell. (optional)
  • Use the detailed parameters button to add more settings question per question. (optional)


Optional Settings for a question including Review management and history


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