The IR Quiz Editor Settings page can be reached using the Settings button on the IRQE Admin menu. Once on this page you will see the following 9 tabs:
- General
- Objectives & Custom Fields
- Import
- Export >> CSOD
- Export >> Scorm
- Export >> iSpring
- Export >> Articulate
- Export >> ExamStudio
- Export >> Moodle
You can probably guess the meaning of each parameter because they all have their tooltip when you hover the mouse. The actual parameter labels will be listed so you can get a feeling of what is available.
So here is a list of important implications and concepts that will steer you in the right direction.
Tab : General
Important: All the settings in this tab will apply on the current opened excel file, and whenever you execute the ‘Cleanup file for SME’ button.
Zoom level for tool's popup windows content |
Button Zoom is useful when your Microsoft Windows Monitor Display zoom is too high. Only for the settings popup. |
Show Analytics sheet when opening file |
Analytics sheet will be shown when the user opens the excel file. |
Show Hints sliding panel to SME |
A hint panel slides from the left to the right every 3 questions added. It contains hints for SME. |
Label to append at the end of each question denoting number of choices |
Label that will be added at the end of each question stem indicating the number of correct choices (correct responses). |
Set warning threshold for max number of choices for questions |
Acts when inserting or deleting rows with questions responses. When number of responses is > the specified number then a popup will indicate a warning to user. |
Set warning threshold for Multiple Response number of valid options |
Acts on the Instant Recommendations engine. When number of correct responses is > the specified number then a warning type of recommendation will be indicated to user. |
Default question status |
You select from a list the default status label to be applied to any new question created. The button ‘Modify status list’ takes you to the ‘Objectives’ sheet that contains the entire list, that you can modify. Important: ensure that “To delete” & “Don’t export” are always present and at the very end of the list. |
Tab : Custom Fields
What are IR Quiz Editor Custom Fields?
To sum it up briefly, custom fields are additional inputs you can add to your questions. The added data can be exported to a Leaning Management System. It can also be used to effectively use data filtering options within excel or other tools.
Fortunately, IR Quiz Editor custom fields are quite simple to use. In this section we’ll go over how to add custom fields and update existing fields, as well as how they will be exported to a Learning Management System.
Configuration : Enabling Custom Fields
If you haven’t seen the custom field interface before, it’s likely because it’s hidden away from the edit screens by default. If you’re using the IR Quiz Editor Add-in, you can access to the custom fields in the Add-in settings tab “Objectives & Custom fields” and click on the button ‘Configure Custom Fields…’.
A Custom field is automatically enabled if you enter at least one value in the chosen Custom Field column starting line 3.
Note: You can also start line 2 but by doing so, in the question’s setting interface, you do not allow the user to enter an empty value, or deleting an existing one.
Configuration : Adding or updating Custom Fields
To add or update Custom Fields activate the “Objectives” sheet and then scroll to the right to column V.
There is one Custom Field per column in the Custom Fields dedicated area starting Column V.
Title of a Custom Field: enter the desired Custom Field title in row 1.
Updating values: enter desired values starting row 3. The number of values you enter in a given column is unlimited.
Note: Modifying a value that was already assigned to a question will not affect the question’s setting value. You can easily assign new values using the ‘Flat view’ and filter on the desired Custom Field.
Using Custom Fields with your questions
Custom Fields interface for a question : click on the question’s setting icon as illustrated by the red arrow on the figure below. The right column in the popup window that appears shows the enabled Custom Fields. Select the desired value by clicking on the list box.
When done press the OK button.
You can also assign values to the Custom Fields in the ‘Flat view’ interface.
How will the Custom Fields be used?
Custom Fields can be used to help you better identify how a question should be used in the Item bank. It provides the mean to filter the questions in more detail.
At the time this document is written the IR Quiz Editor Add-in exports the desired Custom Fields when creating files for ExamStudio. Let us know if more possibilities/options are desired.
Pros and Cons of Custom Fields
The biggest pro and the biggest con for the IR Quiz Editor implementation of custom fields is actually the same thing - simplicity.
We consider it a pro in this case because it’s incredibly easy to add custom fields, and the functions for retrieving or exporting those fields are relatively basic. Someone with even a minimal knowledge of excel can get up and running with IR Quiz Editor Custom Fields with only a few trips to this documentation.
Tab : Import
Search key word that will be used by the import function to detect questions |
Used during the import process of an Excel PLAIN file or Word PLAIN file. It is the label that will be used to detect if there are questions. Default is ‘Right answer’. Note that the value you enter will be saved for the next import. |
Tab : Export >> CSOD
The Export >> CSOD tab is also shown when you launch the Export process targeting CSOD LMS. The settings you change are saved for any further export.
CSOD Edge: number of characters accepted for question feedback |
The CSOD Edge import function has some limitations. Among them the number of characters accepted for question feedback. Default is ‘1000’. |
Restrict Category ID to alphanumeric and underscore, and suppress spaces |
Select the option if you want to Restrict Category ID to alphanumeric and underscore, and suppress spaces. [Optional] |
Also create export files for legacy CSOD format ? |
By default the tool will only create CSOD Edge excel files. Select the option if you also want CSOD Legacy excel files. [Optional] |
CSOD legacy: number of characters accepted for question feedback |
The CSOD Legacy import function has some limitations. Among them the number of characters accepted for question feedback. Default is ‘300’. |
Tab : Export >> Scorm
The Export >> Scorm tab is also shown when you launch the Export process targeting CSOD LMS. The settings you change are saved for any further export. Operational but Experimental.
The export creates a scorm file with its own player. The zip file can be uploaded in an LMS. The scorm file created has a major drawback. Contact this guide’s document owner to learn more.
Tab : Export >> iSpring
The Export >> iSpring tab is also shown when you launch the Export process targeting iSpring LMS. The settings you change are saved for any further export.
Feedback for correct response |
Default is ‘That's right! You chose the correct response for this question.’ |
Feedback for incorrect response |
Default is ‘You did not choose the correct response for this question.’ |
Tab : Export >> Articulate
The Export >> Articulate tab is also shown when you launch the Export process targeting Articulate LMS. The settings you change are saved for any further export.
Feedback for correct response |
Label that will be shown for a correct response. Default is ‘That's right! You chose the correct response for this question.’ |
Feedback for correct response: insert SME custom feedback |
Set the choice whether or not to show the label corresponding to the ‘Feedback for correct response’. It is appended to the correct response choice. Note you might be forced to do this due an Articulate import restriction. |
Feedback for incorrect response |
Label that will be shown for an incorrect response. Default is ‘You did not choose the correct response for this question.’ |
Insert feedback for incorrect response |
Set the choice whether or not to show the label corresponding to the ‘Feedback for incorrect response’. It is appended to the incorrect response choice. Note you might be forced to do this due an Articulate import restriction. |
Tab : Export >> ExamStudio
Question number prefix |
Prefix that will be appended to all ESO (Exam Studio) ItemID numbers. Ideally could be alphanumeric and contain underscore or dash. Try to finish by a number. [Optional] |
Question number prefix |
Exam Studio ItemID numbers will by default correspond to the numbering sequence of your questions. Or, if you leave empty then by default, numbering will start with 1001, incrementing by 1000 per group of questions as set in the second dialog box. |
Model 1: exclude True/False questions |
Set to True if you want to exclude True/False questions. It also affect the type of questions user can create. |
ESO Topics tree: include sheet name in the strings |
Include the Sheet name in the string of the field ‘Code’ for each question exported. |
Include 'Rationale' field. This is the Questions' feedback. |
Include the questions' feedback field to the Exam Studio Rationale field. |
Include 'Version NR' field |
Creates in the exported file a column with header 'C:Version NR' and insert the Questions' version number. In ESO you will need to associate just once the ESO Custom field named 'Version NR' to your Item bank using the ESO menu Item Administration -> Custom Fields -> Item custom fields |
Insert 'Version NR' as prefix to the question number in ESO Question ID field. |
Insert versioning as prefix to the question number in the ESO Question ID. Example: if 'Version NR'=V3 and question number=1004 then ESO Question ID field would be 'xxx-V3-1004' with xxx as question number prefix. |
Separator for Topic tree strings |
The tool will concatenate the values of ‘Learning area’ and ‘Sub Learning area’ columns of the ‘Objectives’ sheet. You can choose here the separator between those two values. NOTHING . DOT - MINUS - SPACE MINUS SPACE | SPACE VERTICAL-BAR SPACE SPACE Typically, you would NOT use a DOT if you want all your topics appear at the root level in ExamStudio. |
Associate Topic title to |
The tool will assign the Topic title column as one of the Custom fields. Not sure this is useful… |
Custom fields to export |
You specify which Custom fields should be exported. To select Click on them. |
Note for ExamStudio Database index: the tool creates an ItemId per question during the ExamStudio export. For each item question, the index value is stored in the excel file, and the global database index is stored in the ‘Objectives’ sheet in line 6 in the cell below the label ‘Database index (do not touch!)’. The value of the database index is used by the tool to determine the next value in the ItemId sequence. You can manipulate this global index if you know what you are doing !
Tab : Export >> Moodle
Feedback for correct response |
Enter the text you want to show for a correct response. |
Feedback for incorrect response |
Enter the text you want to show for an incorrect response. |