Export for Exam Studio

The Export function creates one Excel file per Group of Questions, plus an extra file containing all the questions.

All files are created on the sub-folder “IR_quiz_editor_export”.

Exported files name convention: ExamStudio_[sheetname].xlsx

Exported file for all questions: ExamStudio_ QuestionsOfAllGroups_Concatenated.xlsx

The Learning objectives will be exported into the Code & TopicTitle fields.

Item ID

Question number : a string generated by the tool. Prefix may be retrieved from the tool’s Settings : [Question number prefix] and [Question number starts].


Value : Status set for the question

Item Type



Question stem

Resp1 .. Resp10



Correct answer(s)


Label that will be used for the ESO Topic tree.

Prefix model: [prefix (you can use . as separators within string)].[sheet name].[learning area].[sub learning area]


Label of the last element of Code field. In above it will be [sub learning area]

C:Version NR

Value - version of the question




Value: Feedback provided for the question

WeightRespA.. WeightRespJ

Value: a decimal number. Will be filled for weighted answers denoted in column D of the IR Quiz Editor file. The corresponding Item type is WR.

Difficulty Level

Value: Difficulty Level of the question (Low, Medium, High)

Exam Studio export dialog box

Question number prefix

Prefix that will be appended to all ESO (Exam Studio) ItemID numbers. Ideally could be alphanumeric and contain underscore or dash. Try to finish by a number. [Optional]

Question number prefix

Exam Studio ItemID numbers will by default correspond to the numbering sequence of your questions.
You can set here the default first number of your sequence. [Optional]
Warning: filling this field neutralizes the numbering scheme set in the second dialog box where you specify numbering per sheet (group of questions). So leave empty if you plan to have a renumbering per group of questions.

Or, if you leave empty then by default, numbering will start with 1001, incrementing by 1000 per group of questions as set in the second dialog box.

Model 1: exclude True/False questions

Set to True if you want to exclude True/False questions. It also affect the type of questions user can create.
This option was created following a specific option request from a team.

ESO Topics tree: include sheet name in the strings

Include the Sheet name in the string of the field ‘Code’ for each question exported.

Include 'Rationale' field. This is the Questions' feedback.

Include the questions' feedback field to the Exam Studio Rationale field.

Include 'Version NR' field

Creates in the exported file a column with header 'C:Version NR' and insert the Questions' version number. In ESO you will need to associate just once the ESO Custom field named 'Version NR' to your Item bank using the ESO menu Item Administration -> Custom Fields -> Item custom fields

Insert 'Version NR' as prefix to the question number in ESO Question ID field.

Insert versioning as prefix to the question number in the ESO Question ID. Example: if 'Version NR'=V3 and question number=1004 then ESO Question ID field would be 'xxx-V3-1004' with xxx as question number prefix.

Insert ‘Difficulty Level’ field

Creates in the exported file a column with header 'Difficulty Level' and insert the Questions' Difficulty Level. In ESO you will need to associate just once the ESO Custom field named Difficulty Level’ to your Item bank using the ESO menu Item Administration -> Custom Fields -> Item custom fields.

Separator for Topic tree strings

The tool will concatenate the values of ‘Learning area’ and ‘Sub Learning area’ columns of the ‘Objectives’ sheet. You can choose here the separator between those two values. image40







Typically, you would NOT use a DOT if you want all your topics appear at the root level in ExamStudio.

Associate Topic title to

The tool will assign the Topic title column as one of the Custom fields. Not sure this is useful…

Custom fields to export

You specify which Custom fields should be exported. To select Click on them.

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