Clean the file for Subject Matter Expert

You will need to send a clean exam file to Subject Matter Experts. Follow these steps to prepare a clean file.

  1. Copy an existing IR Quiz Editor file, preferably in the tools latest version.
  2. Open the copied IR Quiz Editor file.
  3. IR Quiz Editor ADD-IN Excel Ribbon: click button "Administration" and “Clean File for SME”.
  4. Select which learning management system will be used to export the questions.
  5. In the next popup, select the general settings you want to modify.

Important: The process is irreversible ! All existing questions will be deleted !

You can clean the file and provide saved objectives. Refer to the chapter Create your reference objectives table.

Always ensure that before sending the file to SME the red shapes "Enable content" are present on the sheets. You can manually insert the red shapes using the button ‘Insert shapes Enable content’. It should look like the below red box. The enable content shapes disappear automatically at file opening.

IR Quiz Editor reset all content

Create the email for SME with indications on how to proceed with the exam.

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