Editing questions - Extra fields

A question can contain extra fields. They are optional and can be used for informative purpose, and can be exported to the Learning Management System.

  • Status
  • Reference
  • Grade
  • Revision
  • Learning area
  • Course name
  • Thinking level
  • Difficulty level
  • Item ID
  • Up to 10 custom fields

You can edit these fields clicking on a dedicated cell located in column F, denoted with a wheel icon.

You can also modify them in the Flat View. Some are readily accessible directly within the excel sheet on the cells located right of the wheel icon. Note that some may be invisible.

IR QUiz Editor question settings button

IR Quiz Editor detail question settings

Status of a question

You can assign a Status to a question within a pre-defined list of values that can be customized.

Default values: New, Modified, Draft, POC, POC - Exam, Exam, To be phased out, Inactive, To delete, Don't export.

Insert a reference to your question

You may find useful to track in which page of the document the answer to the question can be found. We often receive feedback of learners about a specific question that may need to be reviewed because maybe incorrect.

The Reference can be any string of characters.

Grade of a question

Your Learning Consultant may assign for a question a number of points > 1 depending on the difficulty or thinking level of the question. In general the default is = 1.

We recommend that SME should not modify this field.

With the ‘Flat View’ you can apply grades to your questions with copy & paste.

Set the learning objectives for your question

The Learning Consultant may ask to fill the Objectives of all questions. This is done by picking them from two pre-defined lists.

We recommend it be the Learning Consultant to fill the pre-defined values in the two columns table of the ‘Objectives’ sheet.

Select the parent Learning Area for the question. Select a child Sub Learning Area for the question.

Note: The fields can have different names, Learning Area, Learning Domain, Course, Module, … The names can be customized by changing the corresponding text in line 1 of the Objectives sheet.

Set the thinking level of a question

This optional field is used for informational purposes. It helps you in ensuring you are allocating different types of thinking levels to the questions of your exam. The Quiz Analytics command will calculate the various thinking levels per group of questions allowing you to analyze and eventually take the decision to change some questions.

The levels are the following: Remembering, Understanding, Applying, Analysing, Evaluating, Creating.

Read more about the 6 thinking levels in the chapter Thinking Level of a question.

Set the difficulty level of a question

This optional field is used for informational purposes. It helps you in checking you are allocating different types of difficulty levels questions to your exam. The Quiz Analytics command will calculate the various difficulty levels per group of questions allowing you to analyze and eventually take the decision to change some questions.

The difficulty level is an estimated parameter related to the “Minimally Competent Person” (MCP)  of the target group you are addressing for the exam. The tool proposes three pre-defined levels of difficulty:

  1. Easy : for objectives covering easy tasks or basic knowledge. The MCP will answer correctly.
  2. Medium : for tasks and knowledge that requires a comprehensive competence, however not yet on expert level. The MCP will probably answer correctly.
  3. Hard : for objectives which cover expert knowledge or advanced tasks. The MCP will hopefully answer correctly.

Set the revision or version to a question

This optional field allows you to set the revision or version to a single question. It is a string of your choice, eg, ‘v1.2’ or ‘version 3.0’ or ‘1.5’.

Copy an already assigned Item ID

LMS ExamStudio uses Item ID to identify each question. The sequence is generated by the IR Quiz Editor Add-in during the Export process and is assigned automatically to the question. The Item ID copy button copies the value to the clipboard to that you can reuse it. It is a facilitator.

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